Minnesota Dairy Initiative Helps with Transitions
Our program is available to all dairy farmers in Minnesota looking to enhance the success and future of their farm operations through team-based, on-farm educational resources. When a major transition is being considered, MDI can help. Whether you’re planning to transition to organic farming or plan the succession of your farm, MDI programs are designed to help farmers develop the necessary skills and understanding to preserve the integrity of their dairy farms for years to come.
The Benefits of Working with The Minnesota Dairy Initiative
Before transitioning or other major farm operation changes, MDO offers a wealth of resources and educational benefits that help dairy farmers of varying experience levels and farm sizes amplify their production and services so change goes smoothly. Each member is given a team coordinator followed by a custom-chosen team that has experience with farm transition and the many facets that may need to be considered. Teams often include a veterinarian, milk processing rep, bank and funding resources, and other farming industry professionals, to help them curate action plans and achieve their goals. From estate planning and farm transfer to family communication and facility improvements and expansion, the Minnesota Dairy Initiative is here to help your dairy operations thrive now and well into the future.
Program Enrollment
MDI works to make program enrollment very simple and affordable. You have two options; the first is to pay a $200 yearly program fee. By paying this fee, dairy farmers become eligible to receive scholarship funds to help them reach their goals. The second options is free, if farmers do not intend to apply for scholarship assistance.
Optimize Your Dairy Operations With MDI
If you’re interested in working with MDI to navigate through transition and change while ensuring your farming practices secure a sustainable future, The Minnesota Dairy Initiative is here to help you succeed. Contact us today to learn more about our dairy farm programs and scholarships.