Our program is available to all dairy farmers in Minnesota regardless of size of production.
The choices made today and throughout the year by a dairy farmer can alter the future success of the farm, and our focus is help existing and potential dairy producers succeed through team-based on-farm education, resources and networking. Our program is designed for farmers who are open to change and have a sincere desire to stay in the dairy business for years to come. Dairy farmers consistently provide feedback that our comprehensive approach is beneficial when the best ideas, skills, and experience come together to create a clear, actionable plan. The program is flexible and custom-fit to the needs of each farmer who selects their own diagnostic team members.
MDI is here for any new or experienced dairy farmer with an interest in growing, diversifying, transitioning, succession planning, or simply maintaining current operations with confidence and support.
Your Coordinator
Every team has a coordinator who assists with the selection of your team, organizing your initial farm visit, and scheduling additional meetings with your diagnostic team. The coordinator will work with you and your team to identify and prioritize key opportunities within your dairy operation, based on findings during the initial team meeting. After a plan of action is developed, your coordinator will keep you and your team informed by monitoring progress through evaluations and reports. As you continue your journey with MDI, your coordinator will work with you to adjust goals as necessary to meet the needs of your dairy operation. Your coordinator can also help you expand your dairy professionals network around the state, which is key to gathering a wealth of perspectives, ideas and industry experience.
Your Team
The average team meets 2-4 times per year to review progress and goals, and stays working together for as long as the farmer is in the program. Typical teams have 3-6 members and can include:
- Veterinarian
- Milk Processing Rep
- Farm Business Management Educator
- Lender
- Extension Educator
- Crop Consultant
- AI Rep
- Another Producer
- Nutritionist
Your team can assist with many things to help your dairy operation THRIVE:
- Estate planning ⁄ farm transfer
- Current production
- Calf & heifer performance
- Heifer growth ⁄ reproduction
- Feed management & nutrition
- Reproduction
- Herd health
- Profit margins
- Grant opportunities
- Family communication
- Facility improvements ⁄ expansion
- Forage production
- Transition to organic
Program Cost
MDI offers two enroll options.
We charge a $200 yearly program fee. By paying this fee, dairy farmers become eligible to receive scholarship funds to help them reach their goals. If farmers do not intend to apply for scholarship assistance, no enrollment fee is required.
Learn More About Available Scholarships Now!
Scholarships are available to help farmers advance their operation. Scholarships of up to $500 may be granted to each farm that has paid the $200 enrollment fee.
If you have additional questions, please email Emily.
Find out how MDI can assist your dairy operation!
Let us create a custom fit on-farm team that will help your operation set goals, make improvements, and plan for the future.