Choosing Dairy Farming As a Career
Know someone considering dairy farming as a career? Great choice!- It’s one that is a very rewarding decision that entails commitment, dedication, and in-depth knowledge of our evolving industry. The Minnesota Dairy Initiative wants to make sure dairy farmers of today and tomorrow succeed. MDI is connected with an array of specialists within the dairy industry like veterinarians, nutritionists, lenders, crop consultants, and more. MDI is also partnered with a variety of educational resources and programs throughout the state of Minnesota to help newcomers in the industry get the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to pursue a successful career as a dairy farmer. In some cases, MDI assists with next generation farming and succession planning.
Dairy & Ag Related Degrees and Programs
There are a variety of degrees and programs in Minnesota schools if you or someone you know is looking to begin or transition into a career in agriculture. Not sure where to start? MDI partner, Minnesota State Agricultural Centers for Excellence is an great resource, outlining seven different institutions throughout Minnesota in 2023 that offer Farm Business Management programs.
Another option is the agricultural and food business management (AFBM) program at the University of Minnesota. The AFBM program is a comprehensive educational opportunity that grants a deep understanding of the agricultural markets, agricultural business management, and knowledge of food sales and the agricultural industry.
For a dairy-focused academic experience, you may choose to attend the Dairy Management program at Ridgewater College. This program focuses specifically on the duties of a dairy farmer rather than the agricultural industry as a whole. The dairy management program helps students hone an array of necessary skills, including cattle reproduction, dairy health and nutrition, business operation management, and more. The Dairy Management program is a two-year program that gives students access to a faculty of experienced dairy producers and other agri-business specialists who share their time-honored knowledge and skills to help students master their passion for dairy farming and turn it into a successful career.
Meaningful Career in Minnesota Dairy
Whether you’re just starting a career in dairy farming or already an experienced dairy farmer looking for continuing education or assistance in a specific area, MDI can help! Contact us today.