MDI has been around for over 20 years and still works hard to provide its coordinators with the skills and tools necessary to facilitate on-farm team meetings. On-farm team meetings are the heart and soul of MDI, and many steps are taken to ensure that the farm teams are getting the most out of the time spent together.
In early September, MDI coordinators gathered in St. Cloud to participate in a training that focused on facilitation strategies and effective questioning. MDI coordinators facilitate on-farm team meetings to make sure that all voices are heard and that appropriate questions are asked. Good questioning helps to bring forth new ideas, strategies, and options. The skills that MDI coordinators continue to learn help them to best serve the farms that they work with.
MDI is funded by a grant through the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. Early this summer, a video was made to showcase the program to Minnesota Legislators. This video showcases the MDI program and how it has benefited Heintz Badger Valley Farm in Southeast Minnesota. MDI truly brings the team aspect to your farm and helps to achieve goals and make progress to be sustainable into the future.
The video can be viewed by clicking on the following link