We are excited to introduce you to MDI Coordinator, Taylor Witt who will serve the central region of the state. We are very excited to have Taylor joining our team! Read below to learn about Taylor.
Hello my name is Taylor Witt. I am from Little Falls, Minnesota where I was raised on my family’s4th generation dairy farm. In high school I was involved in various activities and got the privilege of being a Morrison County Dairy Princess for the 2015 summer season. After high school, I attended North Dakota State University to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Animal Science and a minor in Crop and Weed Science. I still currently help on my family’s dairy farm mainly feeding
calves and milking. My husband and I reside just a few miles from the farm. This allows me to spend my free time with our farm dog and cats, baking, and going for walks. I am excited to be a part of MDI and am looking forward to working with dairy farms in Central Minnesota!
If you’d like to contact Taylor, call (320) 360-6489 or email: [email protected].