Minnesota Dairy Initiative is invested in the future of dairy! MDI works with both new and existing dairy farmers throughout Minnesota. Each year approximately 35,000 Americans choose a career in agriculture, many of whom wish to focus on or add dairy production to their farms here in Minnesota. Additionally, a greater percentage of our state’s dairy farmers create a succession plan each year to begin transferring dairy operations to a family member or other designee.
The need to connect and support those new to dairy farming is important. In any scenario, someone stepping into dairy production with a limited network, resources, and/or experience will benefit from being connected to the Minnesota Dairy Initiative.
We specialize in coordinating on-farm teams to assist dairy farmers with starting a new farm, as well as growing or taking over an existing dairy operation. Teams can include anyone deemed helpful to conversations and planning, but typically consist of three to five professionals in the areas of farm management, veterinarian care, milk processing or transport, crop consulting, ag lending, embryology/herd expansion, nutritionists, and more.
We welcome your fresh ideas, insights, questions, and networking thoughts – we’re ready to help you or someone you know! Refer a dairy farmer today to MDI. We’re happy to reach out and help them learn more about what we have to offer and how we can help.