Learn how dairy farmers and industry experts around Minnesota work with Minnesota Dairy Initiative, share their thoughts about dairy farming in MN, and how MDI is building relationships to strengthen dairy farms across our great state. If you’d like to share your experience working with MDI, we’d love to hear from you.
“When you have a team that is working together for your business, the business will succeed far better than doing it on your own. That’s why I like working with the MN Dairy Initiative Program. ~ Martin County Dairy Producer
“Our team helps get us the right help at the right time and keeps us moving ahead. It is still up to us to accomplish our goals, but it is a whole lot easier with support of experts in our field.” ~Brown County Dairy Producer
“Without help many of these dairy operations would not be able to make it financially. MDI provides the expertise to help farmers make sound financial decisions.” ~Farm Business Management Instructor in Douglas County
“The Dairy Initiative program helps us to understand our farm’s financial position and to know our cost of production for milk. Our lender really appreciates getting that information.” ~Roseau County Dairy Producer
“This team approach can take a farm from looking at bankruptcy to expansion with all the great people working together. You have to have the right people to make it work, but I have seen this happen several times while working with this program.” ~Stearns County Agri Business
We expanded the herd to include three new robotic milkers. We have been looking for ways to improve efficiency and ultimately produce more milk per cow per day.” ~Mahnomen County Dairy Producer
This program is a good way to get information to help make sound business decisions. They also have helped make our dairy more labor efficient! They also helped us work through the paper work with our livestock investment grant.” McLeod County Dairy Producer
“The MDI Program has been a major contributor in the development of not only our farm, but us as individuals. The MDI program helps with enhancing and planning for the future of the farm and our family goals. ~Winona County Dairy Producer
“Having our key professionals in one room at one time makes us better operators and come up with ideas to help maximize profitability and better our operation. We highly recommend this program to any dairy farm.” ~ Redwood County Dairy Producer
“If it weren’t for MDI, we’re not sure if we would have been able to start our small dairy. Thank you.” ~ Dairy Farmer in Kerkhoven, MN
“This is a very beneficial program. The Team Concept is a great concept that has helped us reach goals that we thought were unreachable.” ~ Wadena County Dairy Producer
“With the help of the diagnostic teams we have been able to transition the dairy operation to the next generation.” ~ Beltrami County Dairy Producer
Please consider sharing your story with us or leaving a review on Facebook to help others better understand how MDI can work with their dairy operation. Thank you!